The Experts
Darlene & Mytia Story
Darlene Story
President & Founder
Darlene Story has poured all of her energy and time into developing the most stable, consistent, and smooth flowing pigments since 1992.
Beginning with a strong mind for business, an eye for color, and experience in the field, she sought support from recognized professional chemists to develop the original Li Formulations.
Darlene is passionate about researching to produce high-quality cosmetics that are pure, safe, beautiful, and “Make you feel like the “YOU” you want to be.”
The products Li Pigments manufactures may just be beauty enhancers to some, but they are seen as life changers for so many more. Li formulates pure products that leave a lasting impression.
Mytia Story
Vice President & Senior Chemist
Mytia has always been concerned with the biology and ecology to develop safe and beautiful pigments for any cosmetic or health application.
For over a decade, she has been researching individual pigments’ biochemical aspects based on their composition, manufacturing process, and breakdown products. Mytia hopes that this knowledge, in conjunction with other chemists and technicians in the field, will help meld the world between science and art in a way that makes permanent cosmetics more reliable and reduces adverse reactions.
Mytia completed her major in biology at Wesleyan University, where she completed her pre-med requirements. She also pioneered a course in the microscopy of pigments through various mediums, including common liquids and the skin.
Li Pigments combines the knowledge of pigment color and application process with the global customer base’s specification demands to formulate and distribute the most innovative and scientifically advanced custom designed pigmentation products.
The goal is to provide unparalleled customer service and technical support, emphasizing safety, quality, and cost-efficiency. Focusing on research and development, coupled with the application laboratory testing, has resulted in outstanding lines of safe and effective cosmetic pigments.
Our lab experts are committed to ensuring client and employee safety by adhering to current best manufacturing practices, consistently testing the products, using only the highest quality raw materials, and continuously researching innovative ways to make the products the safest possible.
We’re proud to say that we have provided safe and effective products to clients worldwide for over 25 years, ensuring that each product sold is rigorously tested and meets the most stringent standards of quality. Li Pigments continues to evolve and adapt to the permanent cosmetics industry’s ever-changing landscape while staying true to the decade’s old mission of providing quality pigments and superior customer service.
Exact Shades Every Time…
Our modern processing equipment and strict production controls allow us to recreate exact shades every time. The quality control department controls all Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P.), the release of all materials, finished goods, and the distribution of documents for specifications, test methods, and release criteria.
Li Pigments is a Certified Cosmetic Manufacturer headquartered in New Jersey. The facility and warehouse encompasses the administration, production lab, stability quality control, and packaging departments. We have a state-of-the-art production lab equipped to handle formulations and pigment production with the most advanced, modern technologies.
Testing & Analysis
Li Pigments adheres to stringent high-quality control standards that follow all cosmetic manufacturing protocols. We’re a state-licensed certified cosmetic establishment certified for micro-pigmentation, permanent cosmetics, and tattooing, as well as traditional cosmetics. All pigments adhere to the highest standards for purity, tested to comply with their respective specifications for use in micro-pigmentation procedures.
- Bioburden Batch Testing results show the microbial and toxicity levels of the product before sterilization.
- Total Microbial Count (before sterilization): Less than 20 organisms/gm
- Total Microbial Count (after sterilization): 0 organisms/gm
- Sanitation & Sterilization: Where applicable, various products we manufacture are gamma-sterilized to prevent infection & contamination.
Li Pigments has been a reliable source for permanent cosmetics since 1992. From the moment we began manufacturing and distributing permanent cosmetics, we have made a commitment to safety, quality and cost efficiency. Our company prioritizes product quality, and adheres to the guidelines set forth by the EU Resolutions and Directives. We strive not only to be a reliable source for high quality products, but also upstanding, contributing members of the permanent cosmetics industry.
Colorants tested according to these resolutions provide a high level of safety and a minimal health risk for our customers. Li Pigments has completed the testing of over 93 different substances and compounds as it relates to Certification within the EU. The testing includes carcinogenic compounds, colorants, and metals causing allergies and irritations of the skin. The following is a quick break-down of EU Guidelines which is EU-Resolution ResAP(2008)1 validating and certification:
- Investigation of Aromatic Amines with Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic and sensitizing properties according to EU Resolution ResAP (2008)1
- Investigation of Carcinogens classified in Categories 1, 2 and 3 by the European Commission and mentioned in the Council Directive 1967/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 According to EU Resolution ResAP (2008)1 aromatic Amines with Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic and sensitizing properties according to EU Resolution ResAP (2008)1
- GC/MS-Analysis
- Dyes Causing Allergies
- Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Dyes
- HPLC-Analysis
- Heavy Metals
- PAH’s. Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons and Benzene-a-pyrene (BaP)
- Germ Test, Total Germ Count
- Microbiological Test of Sterility
Certificates Available Upon Request
All raw materials and packaging are received, checked, and inspected upon arrival in the warehouse. Our materials are labeled and identified before release to the appropriate warehouse location or at the production line. SDS (Safety Data Sheets) available upon request, simply contact your distributor or the corporate office.
Compliance with regional government cosmetic regulations:
Agents present in Permanent Cosmetic/Tattoo products manufactured by Li Pigments, but not limited to:
Coloring Agents allowed for use in Cosmetic Products.
USA: As outlined in 21 CFR 73 & 74
EU: As outlined in Directive 76/768/EEC; ANNEX IV PART I & II
EU-Resolution ResAP(2008)1
Preservative Agents allowed for use in Cosmetic Products.
Preservatives are substances added to cosmetic products for the primary purpose of inhibiting microbial growth.
USA: Not applicable
EU: As outlined in Directive 76/768/EEC, ANNEX VI PART I & II EU-Resolution ResAP(2008)1
Dispersion/Suspension Liquids which should not form part of the composition of Cosmetic Products, Restrictions & Provisions.
USA: As outlined in 21 CFR, Parts 250.250 and 700.11 through 700.23)
EU: As outlined in Directive 76/768/EEC, ANNEX II; ANNEX III PART I & II EU-Resolution ResAP(2008)1
USA: As outlined in 21 CFR, parts 700 to 740
EU: As outlined in Directive 76/768/EEC, Article 6 EU-Resolution ResAP(2008)1.
Li Pigments excels at providing pigments that follow the most current worldwide regulations and guidelines to ensure a high level of safety with minimal health risk for our customers.
Li Pigments abides to global regulations of permanent makeup and we also abide to EU regulations within the EU. With 30+ years of no adverse reactions, our tried & true products are still available. New EU REACH compliant pigments have also been added to our inventory to accommodate our customers and clients within the EU.
The Li Pigments products that cannot be sold within the EU do not contain and will not ever contain any banned raw pigment powders or banned chemicals/carriers.
Any Li Pigments products that are not EU Compliant previously passed the EU-Resolution ResAP(2008)1 with certificate validation.

Over 200 pigments, various pre-care, after-care and continuous-care products, and quality accessories for estheticians, cosmetologists, and makeup artists working with PMU products.
Looking to purchase products? We have distributors across the globe available in almost every market. Click below to find the nearest Li Distributor to you.